Welcome to Minnesota Pheasants Inc. of Steele County - ABOUT

MN Pheasants

Minnesota Pheasants, Inc. was established in 1966. All board members are volunteers. Minnesota Pheasants, Inc. is a non-profit organization and all contributions are tax deductible. We pay no fees to a "national office" so that all of our funds are controlled locally to benefit our community and its habitat.

It is the mission of Minnesota Pheasants, Inc. to establish and enhance habitat for wildlife. We do this through a multi-faceted approach:

  • Actual acquisition of land for permanent set aside for wildlife nesting, feeding, and cover.
  • Private partnerships with landowners to enhance habitat.
  • Winter corn giveaways (with feeders) to help sustain wildlife through Minnesota winters.
  • Youth education programs designed to educate and instill in future generations a desire to promote and enhance habitat.
  • Help establish other county chapters of "Minnesota Pheasants" which would operate independently, exercising local control of their funds for habitat needs.

Address: P.O. Box 351 Owatonna, Minnesota 55060 USA

Call: (507) 456-4312